Saturday, May 9, 2009


The bed side clock reads 05:30 am. For the past thirty minutes I had stared at the woman who lay beside me. She lay on her back, her face turned to me. The swell of her breast moved with the rhythm oh her breathing. Her delicate face was framed by long silky hair. She had the loveliest eyes, a cute button nose and full African lips. She was truly beautiful.

She turned and snuggled close to me as I brushed aside a stray strand of hair. I leaned forward and stroked her warm cheek and kissed her forehead. I eased out of bed; I did not want to wake her.
The night was still, a slight breeze stirred. I walked across the room to the balcony, the thick carpeting caressing my naked feet. I was filled with gratitude; the woman who lay sleeping in my bed was a gift from God.

The curtains stirred and parted, blown by a stray breath of nature. I parted the curtains and stared at the starlit sky. My lips moved in silent prayer to a God so great, so strong.

I don’t know how long I stood there but my reverie was broken as first rays of the dawn pierced the sky and streamed into our bedroom filling it with light. The light slowly crept across the floor casting its warm glow through out the room. In that instant I knew God was near.

As I whispered my amen I felt the warmth of her arms as she wrapped her hands around my waist. I smiled, turned and embraced my queen, my wife and my love.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

3D surround sound and in technicolor.

i am not an island though i may be out at sea. non of us is an island. we all need people. facebook, myspace, twitter are all efforts to bring us together.
irony is this technology throws us futher apart and we then all rush to the computer screen to catch up, and you know whats weird, we chat with people in the same room.
let us usher in a new revolution, lewts turn of out computers, get out of the house and take a walk/drive/ride to our firneds house and have the fulL 3D, surround sound, in tecnicolor experience.
i dont know about you but the facial expressions and body language sometimes tell me more than the lips do and on other occassions make for some good cannot make a face on line even with all those yahoo messenge smileys.
take a minute or an hour a go see a friend.
the full 3D exprience.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Men! Men are dogs! Men are all the same! If I had a thousand shillings for every time I heard such statements my retirement would be sorted. With all the man haters out there we, men, should be listed under the endangered species of the world.
With even the most innocent of intentions (I can almost hear the sneers) women view you with suspicion waiting for the claws to show through the sheep’s clothing.

But with all the derision and vitriolic statements hurled at men you wonder why they spend so much of their energy on men. After all we are just dogs. Could it be that down in their hearts they know they cannot do without men? And since they cannot spent time with them in a relationship then they may at well spent time pulling them down. For whatever reason men and women are linked. Man! Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.

Men, while the source of pain, are not the reason for all of it. Women too are to blame. We live in a century where woman are as equal as men (at least that is what we are led to believe).women too have contributed to scenarios in which hurt is the end result.

Modern ladies can climb to the top of the ladder and shatter the glass ceiling. They are CEOs, managers, truck drivers and are in most fields today. But they all have one universal weakness. They sometimes look to men for their sense of worth. So much is tied to what he says and does that the female ceases to function on her own.

However there are those that are so independent to a fault. Do not get me wrong I believe in independence. Generally men do not look for toughness in a woman but femininity, a damsel in distress) but ask any man willing to bear the brunt of all the independent women and he will confirm this. If u can function on your own you don’t need men. If you want companionship without a man, get a cat.

Then there are those lose/lose situations we are put into. It is like a death match. Whichever tactics you apply you will end up bleeding and in pain. And if you happen to be dating one of those independent, driven, tomboyish types the pain and bleeding may be literal. “do I look fat?” or “how do I look in this dress?”. These are questions men dread because despite the recent lecture on honesty he received, he knows this is one of those times lying like the devil is a virtue. You probably had an opinion when you wore the dress, please be confident in your perceptiveness and leave the men out of it.

A strength and weakness! This is one of the most confusing. a friend of mine Recently complained that her guy was not giving her enough attention. I reminded her that she complained of the opposite a few days ago, he was “smothering” her. A few days later…well let’s just say she was left saying, you guessed it, MEN!

Men will never be able to read minds. Woman should learn that. Hint, strong hints, obvious hints or any other hints for that matter will not work. Simple come out and say it. Save us the nerve wracking ordeal of guessing. We are made that way.

It would also help if you thought deeply about who you are and what you want. Decide too what your value as a woman is and stop looking for saviors in men. Oh remember for every man out there is a woman who fell for him. It takes two.

DUNNO for real

he stood there
i sat here
he said do
i did the do
he gave me a number
i did the do x2
i am mad as hell
but what can i do
he's the boss
i have to dance to his do
