Saturday, April 14, 2012

Time for some sense!

I have to interrupt your daily reading of all this great stuff to speak about something that used to be dear to my heart but has sorta gotten clouded out by life in general, Environmental stuff.

Here is one survival tip for the future, learn how to swim. According to the environmental gurus and what not out little blue planet is going to flood over and we shall be in a virtual water world.

But there are still those that a championing the fight and in our back yard none the less albeit from miles away. By our back yard I mean Uganda and from miles away I mean Sweden. Yeah you got that right; some other guys are making money by planting trees in Uganda. Follow this link to get served. and if that is not enough you can follow this link for some more face slapping.,8599,2111372,00.html

Mighty painful stuff but well it gives me hope. According to scientist there is nothing we can do to stop global warming . I guess we can all sit back, relax and wait for Mother Nature to lose her cool, literally, in some parts, and lose her temper in others.

But there is always a little something that each of us can do to help out. Like that fast food chain in Sweden that has chosen a greener option for its business model each of us can make small changes to the way we live to try and help our planet heal. Imagine if the whole population of china went green, wouldn’t there be a change in the life of that country almost overnight.

If Ugandans chose to buy their airtime electronically and do away with those small tit-bits of paper, how much better would the planet breath and the city be cleaner? How about in our own homes and lifestyle? What can you and I do to help out. It may be a small drop in the ocean but it is your drop. Let not some far off chain in Sweden plant trees in your back yard, buy one and plant one, for you, your children and your country.