And so like a soul survivor in a treacherous land I am reminded of the spaces in between.
The spaces between the inception of the dream and the fulfillment of that dream
are sometimes many and sometimes long but we must survive them. The spaces in between
are also the times between revelation of different aspects of the dream like a
much needed encouragement/confirmation, the appearance of a divine connection
or the sudden realization of what is needed for your next future move. The space in between are many and in between (no pun intended)
The spaces in between are where most of us spend our lives. They are
those pleasant platues filled with the sweet fragrance of everyday living that slowly lull us
into a cycle of wants and needs. There are like the mirage in the sun scorched
desert, a hope that our parched throats will soon be sated. They are ever
present but always far. And so we keep walking.
Like the mists of an English bog, they cover the
pitfalls and paths, obscuring our
way forward and our way back and so we wonder aimlessly constantly aware of the
danger that lurks in the murky depths.
And so we walk hunched over, watching the ground in constant fear of
falling into poverty, our dreams lost to sight and our consternation growing
and growing and our journey seemingly endless. For a person of faith, it’s not
the brutal onslaught of the Devils blows but the subtle espionage of a weary
soul that will get you.
I have to constantly remind myself what this dream is, what it is for
and why it was given to me. I also have to remind myself of the one who gave me
this dream and the promises He gave and continues to give.
I must also prepare. I love the story of the building of the temple.
David had a dream to build a house for God but Solomon was the one
appointed to build it. But David prepared. He was not allowed to build it but
he saw nothing wrong in preparing for it. In Isaiah, we are encouraged to
“enlarge the place of your tents”; Elijah was sent to prepare the way for the
messiah. The reference goes on and on.
And so I prepare, my heart, my mind, my spirit, my hands and my
substance (home/house, equip etc.) for the time when the dream comes to
fruition. In my case I have seen the dream unfold like a parchment, and for
each page, each chapter I must be ready.
So my dear friend, as we seek out the dreams God has placed in our
hearts, use wisely the spaces in between.