Saturday, April 19, 2014

I AM AFRAID OF BEING SPIRITUAL (probably this is part 1)

I know weird right?

In my senior four vacation, I attended every almost every overnight (all night prayer). Those that know my church know this was no ordinary feat. There used to be on a good day 10 people in a cavernous cathedral with only one drum and two hoarse and sometimes off key worship song leaders and the endless hours of the night ahead.

In my senior years of my secondary education I was at church every evening. My school was a walking distance away and so this was not particularly hard. But I was there literally every evening even on days when I was doing my final papers.

I volunteered for every mission and outreach program or activity I could. I was part of the youth team responsible for camp prayer and boy did we pray. I prophesied, dreamt dreams and saw visions. There were words of knowledge and works of faith. I prayed for hours and read books by the spiritually mighty, every biography or text about anointing, spiritual warfare, gifts, prophecy, prayer, miracles and more was my daily reading diet. I was in the mix. But I don’t do that any more.

What happened?
Did I backslide?
Have I lost something?
I don’t know?

I guess something snapped, broke, or shattered into too many pieces to put back together. I don’t know. I just know that the things that I used to do and feel so proud of I no longer do and care little for. According to some I am less spiritual.

Do I still read my Bible? Yes. A little less religiously but I peruse through it from time to time. It’s still difficult now as it was back then. Do I still pray for hours? Yeah….if you combine all the minutes and seconds that I fire questions and mumbles and random thoughts at God, they do come to a couple of hours. I don’t do much of the outside gymnastics though.

So this morning I woke up early and decided to pray, asking God that I would be closer to him and such and the moment a picture of that earlier spiritual lifestyle flashed into my head I recoiled. I don’t want to be spiritual like that. Instead what I am now suits me. And what is that?  I will tell you.

I am broken. I am fed up. I am tired and I am real. Why do I prefer it this way? Well it’s easier to live life. I don’t have to prove anything to God or man. I don’t have to have it all together all the time. I don’t have to know all the answers. Prayer is simplified. Faith is simplified. Life is simplified. I don’t have to rack up "spiri" points to qualify or do the "spiri" stuff to fit in. I don’t have to walk the walk and talk the talk of the church simply that of the faith I have chosen.

I sin a lot. I repent a lot. I am committed a lot. I walk, I stumble, I fall and I crawl but ever forward is my motion. I am unsure and uncertain most of the time but my next step is assured and illuminated and that’s all that matters. I have no success; I need no success…well not in the common understanding anyways.

I am hungry but I am full. I am weak, constantly but aware that there is a power assigned to me. I don’t like going to church or attending services except perhaps for the fellowship that follows the religious gyrations of the service. I am steadfast but always changing, evolving growing.

I know where I want to be, need to be but I am content with where I am knowing that I am always a traveller, constantly pack and ready even though the sojourn last a while. I am content with the house but always looking out the window to the distance, waiting for the call, the urging. Then I will gather my things, sweep my abode and walk, looking back no further on towards what is real and truly spiritual…whatever God reveals that to be.