Monday, January 26, 2015

The Mountain Top and The Purge

Every Year we make resolutions. Every Year we fail at these resolutions. In frustration or protest some abandon new year resolution making while other find other ways to focus their year around simple achievable goals, new philosophies of self improvements or whittle away at their lists until they have just one thing they aim to achieve that year. 

i like to start my year with a mountain top approach and a yearly purge/renewal. For the mountain top view i start mostly before God. I take time to meditate and peruse the year past and the year ahead. I then ask for a general direction, an over arching leading so to speak.  It may be a sudden realisation about that year or a sense of energy and excitement that set the tempo for my next 365. Sometimes its an exact phrase or direction. Other times a sweep of the hand denoting an area that needs attention.
for this year, its excitement and a sense of anticipation, that leaning forward in expectation of something great and grand and with this the feeling of exhilaration and confidence that anything you set to do you will achieve. its like that newness that comes after a heavy downpour. Everything is fresh and new and the old and dirty has been washed away. Its a clean slate and you can scribe anew the paths for tomorrow.

The Purge is mostly about passing along all physical possessions that have served their purpose or would better serve someone else. Its also about getting rid of some of that clutter that builds up around my life, desk and closet over the years. This can be in the form of a donation to charity or selling some of these items and making better use of the money. I normally purge clothes. I don't give away old clothes, i try to give away perfectly good items that i just haven't worn that year or no longer fancy. Sometimes i still fancy them but realise someone else needs it or would look better in it hence i pass it along. Jeans, shirts, shoes and more are moved forward. If they are too old i donate to those willing with the express knowledge that these are old and worn. If i can re-purpose and up-cycle them i do so or give to people that can.

This last step is my way of reminding myself that things are not the thing and there is more to life. I am reminded that things are simply tools for a purpose or an end while having a mountain top is a chance for God to set the stage for my journey. Its me seeing the big picture that will keep me moving when i am in some deep dark ravine or remind me that there is so much more when i am at the top of some hill or mountain, a constant reminder that there is more to come. 

these acts can be a series of things or just one simple thing. I changed my computer Operating system for example. i spend so much time looking at this screen i figured what better way to reminder me of the newness of this year than a totally different way of working. I am getting rid of furniture(if you want to buy i have a huge table/Desk and a bookshelf) and some gadgets. many clothes wont survive either.

This year get rid of more...give more...