a Christian guys perspective on life. More questions than answers. The few answers aren't always kosher. Mostly me thinking out loud. Not always politically correct or totally well thought out either.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Satanist Within.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Home Alone on Christmas.
But, i guess i shall be spending it with friends and hey there is never a good excuse to pass up some nice food especially if you are a bachelor like me.
Just one more random point, i do not know about most people but Christmas is just not as big a deal for me, this year at least, as new years is. I find myself a little obsessed with the coming of the new year and all my Christmas messages have more effort and good wished fixed into the new year portion of the greeting. i dont know, maybe it because this year was particularism tough and emotional or maybe it is the great excitement and joy or sense of expectation i feel when i think of 2012.
Well at least according to the movie that is when the world goes belly up but i know that it signals for me a new beginning. A chance to reorient oneself, re-plug into God and start afresh. Like new plant shoots after the devastation of a fire.
I look forward to this year and the things it brings. So even as you celebrate Christmas don't forget that soon after that comes a totally new year. The old has gone and the new has come and behold God does a new thing, do you see it, do you perceive it. It is the Lords doing and its marvellous in our sight.
Hosanna Hosanna in the Highest.
Merry Christmas and here is to a true totally NEW year.
The Assassination of Prophet.
Proverbs 24:1
but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD.
Friday, December 23, 2011
A Bullet...

They would not recognize it as a thief.
Yet thieves are exactly what bullets are. In the context of war, they rob countries of their men, men of their ideals, ideals of their virtue. They take breath and blood and thought, and let them lay in the mud of battle, scattered like shrapnel. They take sight and sound, life and limb, hope and courage.
And even if you safeguard all of that, there's still one thing the wartime bullet will always take: innocence.
An apology to a friend
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Iron Man...
other random thoughts
Cool read. Check out the website.
humility...much harder than pride.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Hard on the inside and hippies.
Friday, December 16, 2011
The search for the God particle goes beyond mere physics
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Running from it all
Can You Feel That?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Why bother with Human beings?
Monday, December 12, 2011
Living Free in a World of Dreams
I have always loved to believe that we can live an extra ordinary life in a dreary and mundane world. Squeezing a colourful existence from the greyness of our worlds and the little gilded cages we now call success.
But every day feels like a battle. Every day feels like some new foe has arisen and like the master at the top of the fight chain your life becomes one insane battle after another insane battle and just when you think you have subdued yet another challenge another one pops up and before the wounds can heal or the stitches set you are back in the centre of the ring. Sometimes I feel my stiches have stiches and my scars have scars.
I am uniquely built for this purpose. Like a fighting man I am raised to do this. I am not sure how this was but in way I developed into a fighter. Not just one who loves fighting but a fighter. Before I was timid and shy but full of energy that expressed itself in an innate curiosity. I spend my days by myself imaging worlds upon world that even the architects in the movie ‘inception’ would be proud.
Maze upon maze, labyrinth upon labyrinth, worlds where I thrived and excelled and well won. I never really gave up on something except when I found it boring. I was always the one finding a solution to that tech problem at home. I knew how to tune and work all electronic and electric gadgets in the house and where the perfect spot was to place to aerial to gain the best reception.
Time to sleep. Wake up and here is to another day of being miserable and not knowing how to get out of it.
Other random thoughts….
I have cried for help and no one has answered
And just when I am feeling down God brings another person for me to help…or at least be there for. It’s kind of a weird story actually.
Honesty is a mad hornet with a steel tipped sting.
Its (honesty) is the best policy but has high premiums.