Friday, December 23, 2011

An apology to a friend

A friend asked me today if I was okay. She took me aside and with concern in her eyes asked what the “depression” had been about and what caused it.

I could not answer, well not in a way that could make sense, but here earnestness and concern won the day and I, taking a couple of chairs and choosing a spot, sat down with her and attempted an explanation.

And after my feeble attempts were complete she hugged me and as we held each other she prayed and asked God that He would give me joy and peace. I don’t doubt He answers prayer but that day, a friend won the day.

I am just sorry I could not pour my heart out as much as I know I needed to. The emotion glands are cauterised and the flow has stopped. My emotions are spent and my energy sapped, I am sorry my friend but I cannot do that which is expected of me, even to the basic level.

But I promise you this, that when this time is past I shall be back on my feet and I shall be my normal laughing and cheerful self again and when that time is come we shall run frolicking and bounding in the meadows (hahahaha) so to speak.

I love you misha, you realness and genuineness always amazes and blesses me and is as refreshing as a pure mountain spring.

Apparently there is still hope for this friendship thing.

Proverbs 18:24
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Other random thoughts.

Those little wicked thoughts that run through your mind and need to be shot down.

Still mad…I hate being ignored.