Wednesday, December 5, 2012

No Seriously..what the French

I have just spent the better part of the last two hours scrolling/flipping/tracking forward through several series. I have one question, “who the heaven writes this stuff and why the heck do they get paid?”

But also, “ what sort of retard actually enjoys these things and thinks they have anything worthwhile to ingest?” or do they just need something to keep their brains tuned awash in silly goo as they take in their daily dose of stupid.

Then why do people go to the US. That’s where everything goes to die. Most of their music is crap. So is their art. The architecture is punctuated with excess and absolute Picasso style abstractness that is good for nothing except perhaps as an icon for the proper targeting ICCBMs.

Sorry. I did not mean to questions why people go to us. We all know why they do….i think.

But I really meant why do all these show go to the US or come from there?

But I have scrolled through a couple of series and one that I started out liking was an American version of a british show “Sherlock” and it was named rather deviously “elementary”. It was great, the first few, okay the first three episodes then they just started dragging us through the usual American drama and same old same old clichéd tired worn out story lines and I was like…click…on to the next.

The came, “last Resort” which I will not bother with here except to say it was a military coup in paradise with the usual shadowy enemies manipulating government and we a small band of heroic honourable soldiers are here to save it. Yeah, I know, BORING. I intend to share this with other people at which point I shall promptly delete it afterwards.

“Newsroom” on the other hand does not seem so bad. The first episode is pretty explosive and its about…you guessed it…journalist…or newspeople. So far its funny. I like it. But that’s just the first episode. Ask me after I have watched a couple more episode.

P.S. this is a tirade and your usual programming shall resume shortly.