Friday, January 27, 2012

When fun hurts.

There is this movie I was watching, of course seeing as there is not other way to enjoy movies, well I was watching it and there was this scene where a family of three; mommy, daddy and their littly son(ny) were jumping up and down in a bouncing castle.

It was really cool. They were going up and down in this really colourful castle and they were having the time of their life with their hair caught in time and their smiles and happiness slowed down in super max 3D( I just made that up) for all to share. Now that is how to have fun in a bouncing castle.

But….that has not been an experience. We do not have that many in Uganda and those that are there are really meant for kids so having a bunch of over size, over weight adults bouncing around can really be harmful to the health of the bouncing castle and the integrity and reputation of the said adults.

Anyways I have always wondered why adult cant have fun to you know. Adult are people too. Armed with this revolutionary Idea I was ready to take the bouncing castle world by the horns. I would have said that soon after I was given a chance to meht out my revenge but I wont say that. Why? Well it was not soon after at all. Infact it was a couple of days and several months later that I was presented with the cahnace.
You see every year at my church, All Saints Cathedral, we have what we call family Sunday. This is a day where all 4 services are combined into one, we go to a venue big enough to accommodate us, have a service and then share a meal together and then have all these fun games.

With all these parents around you can imagine quite a few munchkins are in tow and to keep them well sated and in check they hire a jumping castle. Now the kids think this is all so they can have fun but no its so they can jump themselves silly and later they will be too tired to bother their parents. So anyways here is this jumping castle…and then there is me, and my dastardly revolutionary plan.

We shall fast forward past the mundane boring adult stuff to the exact moment when I bolt in the direction of the jumping castle, picking up speed and a rumble along. In a few steps, well very many steps, that thing was far, a take my last three strides and launch myself into the air expectiong to land on my belly and if I was lucky be flung back or high into the air after I bounced off the castle floor.

There was absolutely nothing spectacular after the slight thud of me hitting the floor…well excelt for the snap pop of back bone and the shearing pain that shot up my back into my brain and into the other aspects of all  my extremities. I recoiled from the pain and tried to recover but well anybody who has tried to stand still or walk on an air filled castle that is being stomped by execited over juiced sugar high kids will tell you this was no easy feat.  My only solution was to crawl to the edge and slide over and crawl away. I I had a tail it would be between my legs. I had non but I am sure my but was clenched as hard as could be from all the pain.

Prov 16:25

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.


Not all that seems fun for us is always good for us.