Friday, January 20, 2012

The Evolution of Underwear.

It now days gone by since we used to be bombarded by the various “string” based female under wear. I don’t know about you but anyone who travelled in a commuter taxi aka matatu round that time would be treated to at least one almost bare split bottom preview.

It simply defied the whole idea of underwear. But lately these scenes are long gone and I was grateful until a thought occurred to me. “Where did they all go?” Only one word comes to mind COMMANDO!!. Shivers right?

I began to think to myself where all this underwear business came from. Who said we had to wear anything under there? Who wrote that is was a must? Even with such flimsy knotted contraptions in the market masquerading as undergarments people still endeavour to put something on under all the trendy clothes. Why I asked.

Could it be that deep down somewhere in the inside of us we know that certain things are meant to be kept away from public view? That somehow revealing our nether regions to all and sundry is not right? Even those that throw clothes to the wind literally have communes where they can go and be, you know, all natural.
On the beaches of more liberal cities the “place of ‘happiness’ “ is covered though the mobile baby feeder is all out there and the Gluteus Maximus goes bare so to speak.

Well these are all questions I have. I am not sure I have an answer. From the great big full length Victorian undergarments to victoria and her secrets we still endeavour to wear something down there even in these liberal times.

I guess there is still something worth keeping private. I wonder where we are headed to next.

Other random thoughts

The tightness of outfits especially ladies trouser threatens the future of underpants.

French underpants to the rescue.

Lace is a good option.