Friday, August 7, 2015

I wish i could write....

i wish i could write
but i cant
my eyes too tired
the hands to weary
and my heart too heavy

i wish i could write but i cant
my mind too race-y
dashing from thought to thought
many too scary

i wish i could write
but i cant
for an audience to heady
on their own ideas
captive of the trending trend
too busy liking

i wish i could write
 but i cant
too many people pretending
i know you just not getting
anything that i'm saying

i wish i could write
but i cant
because people don't read
no that's not true
they read but they don't heed

I wish i could write
but i cant
like a woman who gives of her fruit
i am tired of whoring my words
to an ungrateful horde

i wish i could write
but i cant
i have decided to gather my tattered virtue
and cast my pearls no more
before another steaming herd

i wish i could write
but i cant
No its not me,
Its you.