Friday, November 29, 2013

Everybody starts from somewhere

When I was younger, because my teleportation powers had not  kicked in yet, the age of 30 was like the upper limit to all the cool and great things that I would do.

In my head, by 30 I would obviously be married and enjoying all the movie like bliss of a husband and wife including sex every day. Yeah I realize how unrealistic that is but back then sex seemed like the best reason to get married, especially for a true-love-waits card totting hyper spiritual overzealous pubescent Homo sapiens.

I also imagined I would have given up jeans and t-shirts as I embraced my new found wealth and jobs and status in life. That I was not looking forward to but imagined it was part of the growing up package.
I believed I would be an admired member of the church straddling succeeding at that precarious balance between work and ministry. I even believe I would be giving lavishly to the church coffers and would not need to heed those stuff old men and women at church stuck in the past.

There were so many dreams and visions and ambitions that filled my head each day and I prayed and planned for them as best as I could. I read books. Wrote the vision down. Looked for partners who dreamed as I dreamed. Declared prophetically. All this and more.

I can confidently tell you that very little of the stuff I dreamed about has come to pass when and how I thought it would. In fact some dreams have been abandoned all together and as 30 is winking at me from around the corner I still have a long to do list. But here are a few things that have not really gone according to plan, the minor setbacks in a major operation as it were.

I am still very much a t-shirts and jeans guy. More jeans and t-shirts than I think is healthy. Every time I have a dress shirt and pants event I really really have to plan. Many times I am like, where did I leave that shirt or I have to go buy a shirt just so people don’t get too bored of the 4 shirts I have.

I am definitely not married. Trust me I have tried but chic’s can knife these days. But more importantly I am not too bothered about being married at the moment. That does not mean I do not want to get married but it has lost its urgency and shine.

Sadly I am not having sex every day. I still believe in abstinence and obedience to Gods word about that part of marriage and life. I shall take this moment to say congratulations to all my married friends, I hope the sex was worth the wait and if you did not wait…well I hope…well I hope…hmmmm tight one.

About the admired member of the church…hmmmm that’s a long story and as of lathering the church coffers with my bounty…I don’t make it rain but I sure as hell try to make it drizzle.
So two things.

Our tomorrow is totally in the hands of God. We can plan and do all that, in fact we should, but ultimately our path is the Lords.

The other is that you may not be where you want to be at the moment but keep moving forward, we all had to start from somewhere.

May you find your second wind as you chase all your dreams.

P.S. i still have not figured out this teleportation thing.