Saturday, March 24, 2012

A couple of things I am grateful for:

A couple of things I am grateful for:

  1. Hot showers. Now for some this may seem trivial but after a long day’s work a hot shower just seems divine.
  2. Meat. I have lived off fruits and even vegetables for more than a month. And that stuff is healthy and the mainstay of the world’s longest living primates but there is something about meat that is just soo I don’t know...just so different.
  3. Now in meats there is normal meat and then there is pork which is in a league of its own. Slightly below that and in second place is goat’s meat. So I can tell you this for sure that there will be a limited number of goats in heaven and absolutely no pigs, not live ones anyway. Remember that feast spoken about; well pig is the main course in this. At least I would love to think so.
  4. A close third is electricity. I know fire made a hell of a lot of difference back then but mehn...electricity is in a league of its own (that statement is now becoming redundant) but you get the point. Well it’s a sort of cool thing unless you leave in a small country on the African continent called Uganda. Electricity in steady supply has not been seen here in a long time. If you look at us from space, well we are that patch of darkness surrounded by the lights of our neighbouring countries.
  5. The number five. It’s a nice odd number that strangely enough makes all things even. It tells you that you are half way there, if you are going to stop whatever you are listing at ten. It’s a number filled with hope.