Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Assassination of Prophet.

Today I found myself pondering with a friend what my life would have been if I was not saved and I realised that God had stood in the way three times too many.

We or rather I looked deep into my life and realised that I had great potential for evil. I am fully aware of what my sick twisted mind can come up with and how I would be a libertine and seducer with no regrets or apologies. A smooth talker and a silver tongued devil. A Casanova with a little black book and a filled phonebook. A lyrical genius with the ability to bed, not all, but a good number of the women that set themselves within my line of sight.

I would be a puppet master, pulling the strings, more adept that the Three Fates with a scissor to sever those strings when the puppet begun to think it was more than just that, a limp item, I tool in my hand, a quencher of my desire.

I would be quicker than the quick brown fox and I would jump over the fence, overwhelming and circumventing all their defences. In one breathe they would scream my name and in another curse me to hell but all in all I shall leave them in the throes of desire, reaching for a glass of water in the dead of the night.

But then I stopped. I realised. It was the admiration of an evil man that saw the death of the prophet. It was the sweet lies of the devil that got the prophet shot. And so I realised that this was the backdrop to a nightmare scene, the spilling of blood on a level never before seen. It was the prelude to the conclude, the rise to the crescendo. It was the crushing of a man from the inside out.

For as you gaze into the air, wondering, pondering and dreaming what you would do if you had the chance, don’t forget that the crosshairs are trained on you and before you know it you are tomorrows headline, the body of the story with the headline reading death in the street.

For while you paid no attention, a seed was son, a bullet was loaded the rifle bolt pushed in place and in the background the choir sang a dirge for this was the beginning of the assassination of a prophet.

Proverbs 24:1

New International Version (NIV)

Do not envy the wicked, do not desire their company;for their hearts plot violence,  and their lips talk about making trouble.

Proverbs 23:17(NIV)
Do not let your heart envy sinners,
 but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD.