Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When looking for light

In the last days there will be an explosion of knowledge. Not all knowledge is good knowledge. But I shall deal with that later.

If,  for a little bit, you had some doubts about a certain product or idea or concept,  what would be your first course of action?  I am almost sure you would ask about it, read about it, listen to and read reviews about it and maybe get a few first hand accounts about it. Am I right?

Which idiot, seeking clarification on, say product A goes and asks the sells person of product B. It just does not make sense.

If we seek to find the truth of what we believe let us first spend as much time in this faith and when we are saturated we can move on and compare with all the other stuff out there.

To go out there to look for confirmation of truth that defies the world is an exercise in futility.

Oh and about that knowledge…its just that…not all knowledge is good or right or true. Just saying.